Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Avoiding fat pics for 3 years

Avoiding fat pics for 3 years

Came across a post the other day of a young, overweight woman who was so insecure and self-conscious about her size…

That in the space of 3 years, she didn’t feature in a single photo.

(Talk about sad.)

One excuse she used a lot to get out of group pics was “needing to go to the restroom”.

But deep down, this was like having a knife go through her stomach.

She wanted to be part of the smiles…

The toasts…

The cheers…

And the visual memories she would one day revisit.

But the humiliation of seeing her “chubby” pictures posted online caused her to scurry every. single. time.

And to top it off, she recently turned 32.

Fed up of letting her “prime years” slip away and watching enviously from the sidelines as her prettier friends enjoyed life…

She sucked up the courage and reached out for help online.

But there was one problem.

While she received a bunch of helpful advice, they all recommended different things.

Some folks advised intermittent fasting.

Others swore by cutting out all carbs and hitting the gym 7 days a week for 60+ minutes a time.

And in my professional opinion, this is only going to cause her to procrastinate further.

What she needs to do is take a step back.

Find a program that’s easy to follow and has helped hundreds of people achieve fast and long-lasting weight loss results.

Something like The 28 Day Keto Diet

Not only have ketogenic diets been heavily praised by doctors and health enthusiasts alike, but my step-by-step program outlines a simple 28-day diet plan that’s proven to melt fat, promote better health, and jumpstart slow metabolisms in just a few measly weeks.

My bet is that if this lady stuck to The 28 Day Keto Diet Plan, she’d never want to avoid another photo again.

To learn more about this diet and how it can help you shed up to 21 pounds in just 28 days, click here

Monday, January 7, 2019

The 8 Week Booty - The Training And Diet Program For Building An Awesome Butt And Getting Safe, Rapid Weight Loss

THE 8 WEEKBOOTY is the training and diet program for building an awesome butt and getting safe, rapid weight loss. Based on a decade of scientific research, it promises results in just 8 weeks.
Paul Burgess created this remarkable program. As a trainer, weight loss coach, and clinical nutritionist, he grew tired of seeing clients constantly being disheartened by not getting the changes in their body they were after and losing the “battle of the bulge”
The "THE 8 WEEK BOOTY" succeeds where other systems fail because it addresses the real cause of disappointing results and weight gain. It also corrects the questionable information many people receive from the mainstream training and dieting industry.
The "THE 8 WEEK BOOTY" system has helped thousands totally re-shape their bodies, reduce their waistline and lose weight, proving virtually foolproof. Burgess is now able to offer a 60 day, 100% no-nonsense, “See results and lose weight or it’s free” guarantee with his system.
The complete THE 8 WEEKBOOTY system includes:
Principles of glute training
– which explains the revolutionary science in plain language. Customers get a simple, easy-to-follow crash course in the science behind how the posterior chain and gluteswork .
8 week booty training programme
– the easy to follow, step-by-step training guide which lays out the exact exercises in the exact order they need to be done PLUS full colour videos explain every exercise. This eliminates the guesswork that often accompanies other training plans.
8 week booty nutrition programme 
– which explains how to develop a nutritional plan that will work for the customers specific needs. They learn how to design their own, unique diet to accompany their training, which will allow them to build that booty while losing fat at the same time.

The 8 Week Booty - The Training And Diet Program For Building An Awesome Butt And Getting Safe, Rapid Weight Loss

Carbs For a Better Booty Fast – No, Seriously!

There was a time when everyone thought that fats were the enemy. Back then, we all focused on the simple fact that fats contained more calories as well as some evidence suggesting that they might be linked to heart disease and other problems. Indeed, this is the premise that diet plans like Weight Watchers were founded on!

But over time, fat has had an image change. For starters, it turned out that those studies linking fat with heart disease were unfounded. What was more though, it was also found that fat was better for keeping us feeling fuller for longer, at least partly because it takes longer to be absorbed.

Suddenly, everyone was raving about fat and it was carbs that had the bad reputation. Carbs spike the blood with sugar, resulting in an insulin response. Sugar causes inflammation. Simple carbs tend to be low in nutrients and make you hungry. The list goes on…

So are carbs really the enemy? Should you make like Atkins and ditch them entirely?

The Problem With Going No-Carb

The answer to that question is well and truly ‘no’. While it’s true that we get a lot of glucose from carbs, what’s also true is that this is actually necessary if you are looking to get a firmer butt. If you live only on fats for fuel, then you’ll be on what’s known as a ‘ketogenic’ diet and this can leave you low on energy over time. Likewise, completely avoiding all fruits and vegetables (most of these are carbs) will almost certainly lead to nutrient deficiencies as well as a very low fiber intake.

When looking for a sexy butt and following The 8 Week Booty Workout you will find that you will need some carbs in your diet to help you just get through the sessions. If you try to do a full on butt workout with the kind of volume and intensity that this workout demands then running on just fats will not give you the energy you will need to be explosive and hit the workout with that all out effort you will want to do it with.

Carbs allow you the fast acting glucose in your muscles to give you energy and power all at the same time, exactly the kind of fuel you want when trying to grow the glutes into that sexy rounded butt you’re after.Now don’t misunderstand the role of fats in the diet, they are not only important but are essential for optimal health so don’t throw them out completely.

Low Carb, Not No Carb

Of course though, most diets don’t recommend completely cutting carbs and are instead more likely to advise just reducing them or eating only ‘complex’ carbs. This option is a lot better and it certainly can provide a good way to prevent hunger pangs and to discourage fat burning.

Even then though, it’s key to ensure that you are still getting enough. Not only is avoiding carbs a little soul crushing and somewhat difficult – it’s also still a surefire way to end up low on energy. If you can reduce the number of chips you have with your next meal then great but don’t feel too guilty over having some potatoes.

As is so often the case, the reality is a little more complex than ‘this one food group makes you fat’. Make sure you continue to eat a healthy and balanced diet and just apply a little common sense.

Fortunately, The 8 Week Booty Workout comes with a comprehensive nutrition plan which, not only will help you give your all in each and every workout, but it will also aid with recovery AND help you lose fat all at the same time making it, pretty much, the perfect combination of training and nutrition for anyone looking to build that sexy butt, lose some body fat and have fun at the same time!

Click Here For More Information About The 8 Week Booty Workout

Challenge Yourself to a New Weight Loss Goal For the Perfect Booty!

Setting goals is a fantastic way to motivate yourself, especially if you are looking to get a perfectly toned ass! Of course what you’re trying to achieve is a goal in itself but setting shorter goals gives you something that you can aim for in a shorter term and that then means you get the satisfaction of feeling as though you’re making progress as you tick things off of your list.

This is why ‘gamification’ works so well as a way to motivate yourself through challenges. This means turning an objective into a game that you can score yourself on. This feedback loop provides incentive and reward and helps you to measure your improvement. You can even use pictures to see your booty change week by week and keep you motivated!

The only problem? Not many people know how to set goals. Read on then and we’ll look at how setting the right goal can be the perfect tool to help you complete those challenges.

The Hallmarks of a Good Goal How can a goal be either ‘good’ or ‘bad’?

Well, a bad goal would be something that was a) out of your control and b) too distant to be useful.

This is actually what most resolutions and weight loss goals look like. If your goal is to ‘lose 30lbs by 2017’ then your goal is both somewhat out of your control and too distant and vague. Losing 30lbs is an ambitious goal but even if you had a smaller target, you can’t guarantee you’ll ever do it. Different people respond differently to different training and that means you could work really hard for the next two years and not see any results. Most likely you’d give up long before then after becoming disheartened. Not much use!

Instead then, try a goal like this: “I will exercise three times a week for the next 8 months”. This is a goal that is now incredibly achievable because it’s so much nearer. At the same time, it’s a very binary thing that you can either complete or not – and it’s entirely down to you whether it happens. Funnily enough The 8 Week Booty Workout is 3 times a week for 8 weeks, sounds like the perfect goal to start with!

If you focus on smaller, tightly controlled goals like this, then you’ll find that you get more of a feeling of reward and that the ‘overarching’ goals take care of themselves.

What are some other goals you could set up like this? Good examples might be to not eat X for a week, or to increase your running time by 2 minutes every training session for the next 20 sessions.

Why not try downloading The 8 Week Booty Workout and make that your starter goal for the next 8 weeks? It has all the training worked out for you and even has videos to demonstrate each exercise so it couldn’t be easier. It also has the nutritional plan you’ll need to maximise your results so, not only would you look better but you will also lose weight at the same time! Make it your goal to complete the 8 weeks of workouts and nutrition and make sure you send us your before and after pictures so we can add you to our transformations wall.

What are you waiting for, download it now and be proud of yourself in just 8 weeks!

Challenge Yourself to a New Weight Loss Goal For the Perfect Booty!

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Lose 37lbs in 30 days with this strange “soup detox”

If you’re frustrated with your weight and want to lose a little more, get this…
An overweight wife who’s own doctor said she’d never reach is 60th birthday has just SHOCKED
the medical community by dropping a massive 37 pounds in just 20 days…
Without starving himself…
Without counting calories…
And even without exercising…
After that, she dropped another 73 pounds (nearly a pound a day) just as her doctor warned her
that she was “pre-diabetic”...
And the amazing thing is…
All she did was this strange “soup detox” that reprograms your natural hormones to burn more fat
as you get older while eating as much as you want.
Check it out for yourself…

Soup OFF 5lbs a week (here’s how)

”Live Longer” Soup Melts Up To 5lbs a Week

One simple thing that helps you lose weight quickly is eating more...
Any yet, so many people forget about it and suffer eating chicken and bland
veggies every night, however the truth is...
As it gets colder outside…
Nothing feels better than warming with a big bowl of soup that also helps
shrink your waistline at the same time.
Now, you definitely don’t want to order soup when you’re out at a
restaurant, because...
They add flour and other fattening ingredients to thicken it up :(
The good news is...
There’s this NEW super-slimming soup you can make right at home in just
a few minutes that will help you lose weight even if you never exercise.
An overweight husband from Georgia used it to drop over 100 pounds after
feeling depressed for years while being bullied as a kid because of his
weight (his words not mine)...
Since it helped him so quickly, I wanted to pass it along to you if you’re

Hope you like it!

NEW “Super-Slimming” Soup Melts 1.2lbs Daily

Strange NEW “Soup Detox” Melts Away Over 100 Pounds

What really fires me up is that most of the detoxes and cleanses out there are complete crap, after all…

Giving up all real food and drinking a bunch of veggie broth and lemon water for a weekend is going
to mess up your metabolism and make you feel absolutely miserable…

And subconsciously you’re sending a message to your body that food is bad which is why you’re giving
it up for a few days in hopes of dropping a few extra pounds…

And sure, you might lose a few pounds of water weight…

Which is only going to pile right back on (probably even more) once you start eating real food again…

The good news is…

There’s this strange NEW “soup detox” that actually allows you to eat real food while burning fat FASTER
than ever…

A wife in Georgia used it to drop 16 pounds in just 14 days…

And 110 pounds overall without ever feeling hungry for a single second.

So if you have 10 or more pounds of frustrating fat you’d like to lose without wasting hours in the gym,
sweating like crazy while a bunch of strangers stare at you…

Then you might want to check this out :-)

To your quick and easy weight loss!

Strange NEW “Soup Detox” Melts Away Over 100 Pounds